Logo Elements

Logo Elements

Our logo consists of three elements:


Should be used on products, events and buildings. Can be used in conjunction with the logo.

The symbol can be used in and over approved brand colors. It can also be used over textural images when it doesn't create legibility issues.


Our logo is our most recognizable asset; it conveys the mission and energy of our brand. Only use our official brand color codes (noted later). Never use any outdated versions. Don’t rotate, stretch, or modify it in any way.

Clear space should be included around the logo to avoid crowding.

This logo version is to be used for branding and consumer language.


When locked up together, our logo and the fountain symbol can succinctly communicate our brand identity. Only use this approved lockup. As with the logo, don’t rotate, stretch, or modify it in any way.


Black is preferred. However, the brand colors can be used with our logo.