Our graphics can add a fun, colorful flair to images. Use them to add interest and depth to your assets, but make sure they don’t detract from your key message. Check out the examples below for inspiration!
Our gradients are simple and elegant. Gradient backgrounds are soft and soothing, yet dynamic. They're monochromatic, going from blue to light blue, or green to light green. In videos, they can change dynamically.
We now use circles in our visual language. Circular elements cue science in a holistic, continuous way.
We chose a serif type for approachable elegance. We prefer to use the thin and regular fonts. We avoid going bold with SangBleu.
Circles are great, but sometimes we use only part of the circle (or an arc) to highlight a feature or an important thought.
We can use small circles over areas of key interest.
We use circles as an arrow to point to things.
Our icons are thin lines. They're clean and simple to maintain a simple elegancy.