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Perennial Body Lotion

Sku: 01100875

你的肌膚受到許多損傷。 乾燥的空氣、寒冷的氣候、陽光、風等都使肌膚變得乾裂。 你的肌膚現在也可以享受如大自然在寒冬中保護柔嫩花球般的呵護。 Perennial® 特效潤膚露 (Intense Body Moisturizer) 是最先含有 IBR-Dormin™ 提取自水仙花球的天然複合物的全身潤膚乳,科學實證表明可以最大程度地增強肌膚抵抗環境侵害的天然防禦機制。 Perennial® 特效潤膚露藉由提高細胞持久性,幫助肌膚常年保持舒爽健康的狀態。

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  • 均勻地塗抹全身肌膚。 安全溫和,適用於各種膚質。

All Ingredients

水、甘油、合成酯、月桂鹽酸、硬脂酸鹽、乙醇、硬脂酸、二甲聚矽氧烷、水仙鱗莖萃取物*、夏威夷核果油、白芒花籽油、牛油果萃取物、印度藤黃種子脂、醋酸生育酚、PEG-100 硬脂酸鹽、羥基乙烯共聚物、丙醇、乙二氨四醋酸四鈉、苯氧乙醇、氯苯甘醚、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯、苯甲酸。 *IBR-Dormin™

Key ingredients

Narcissus Tazetta Bulb Extract

Sourced from the narcissus bulb, a flowering perennial plant, this natural compound protects the bulb’s cell structure during harsh seasons, allowing it to blossom year after year. it has been scientifically shown to protect skin, provide resiliency, and increase cellular durability, allowing skin cells to maximize their natural defense mechanisms

  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.