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Sku: 01003519

ReishiMax GLp® es un extracto estandarizado de hongo Reishi que incorpora esporas fracturadas, una tecnología patentada que libera el ingrediente activo del Reishi, brindando actividad única en el sistema inmunológico que no se encuentra en otros productos derivados del Reishi.
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  • Tome de una a dos cápsulas de ReishMax GLp® con líquidos durante su desayuno y cena. Tome una cápsula diariamente para mantener la buena salud, y dos cápsulas dos veces al día para ser pro activo en el cuidado del sistema inmunológico.

Other Ingredients

Gelatin, Stearic Acid

    ReishiMax GLp is a proprietary Reishi extract containing one of the highest levels of active ingredients currently on the market. This standardized product also incorporates cracked spores, a novel technology that releases Reishi’s active ingredients, providing unique immune activity not found in other Reishi products. Pharmanex has developed an exclusive multi-step extraction process that increases the yield and concentration of active ingredients. Most Reishi products only use one extraction process, which results in a product with lower concentrations of active ingredients, and often lack the triterpene compounds. The exclusive Pharmanex® technology detaches additional polysaccharides from the cell walls, providing ReishiMax GLp with one of the highest levels of active ingredients currently available in a Reishi product.
    ReishiMax GLp is produced through solid wood log cultivation, which requires a 120- to 200-day cultivation period. This method is preferred over sawdust and liquid cultivation because it yields both polysaccharides and triterpenes from the fruiting body. In addition, other cultivation methods are prone to contamination and are difficult to control. Pharmanex has chosen to use Red Reishi for its Reishi mushroom supplement because it produces the highest quality extract and has been subject to the most scientific evaluation. Our manufacturers go through a detailed selection and certification process to ensure compliance with the Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) standards set by the Food and Drug Administration.
    ReishiMax GLp supports healthy immune system function by stimulating cell-mediated immunity. According to the results of animal and in vitro studies, the Reishi mushroom has been shown to stimulate the formation of antibodies as well as stimulate the ability of immune cells to proliferate and modulate the functions of Natural Killer Cells.
    ReishiMax GLp is safe and well tolerated at the recommended dosage. Individuals with known fungal allergies should be cautious when taking Reishi products.
    ReishiMax GLp is for adults interested in supporting their immune defense system and promoting their body’s defensive immune cells. Adults who smoke or who are frequently exposed to environmental pollutants can also derive significant benefits from ReishiMax GLp supplementation.
  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • **Daniel Sliva, Ph.D., Miroslav Sedlak, Ph.D. et al. Biologic activity of spores and dried powder from Ganoderma lucidum for the inhibition of highly invasive human breast and prostate cancer cells. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2003; 9(4): 491–497.