Since its launch in 2002, Nourish the Children (NTC) has provided more than 600,000,000 meals to malnourished children around the world. By providing 600 million meals to malnourished children mean NTC has also created 600 million smiles around the world – a sea of faces with smiles that bring hope and a promised future. Join us today in helping to feed and save millions of children more, and create millions of smiles!



Nu Skin’s Nourish the Children Initiative was launched in June of 2002.The program quickly grew as thousands of generous donors recognized an opportunity to make a difference by purchasing and donating food designed for malnourished children. In 2007, after just five years,donations surpassed 100 million meals. We look forward to the time when 100 million meals are donated every two years and then every year to save malnourished children around the world.

Why Nourish the Children?
With Nourish the Children, you have confidence in your donation. You know what your money will buy: nutritious VitaMeal. You know how your money will be used: to nourish destitute children. You know that your donations will be leveraged: with matching donations and through education and disease prevention programs. And you know that you are making a difference: with 120,000 children being nourished everyday. Confidence!

It is easy to Nourish One More Child.
Purchase and donate one more bag of VitaMeal each month, or encourage a friend to do so.

NTC VitaMeal delivery - 5
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