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To see the full Europe & Africa Sales Performance Plan, please click here.

There is no cost to become a Nu Skin Brand Affiliate and no required purchase of products or kits. Furthermore, Brand Affiliates receive commissions only when products are sold, and do not receive any compensation by recruiting others into the business. When products are returned in accordance with our return policy, all previously paid commissions are promptly recouped.


As with any sales opportunity, the compensation earned by Nu Skin Brand Affiliates varies significantly based upon various factors including time devoted to the business, commitment level, and sales and leadership skills. Just as some Brand Affiliates succeed, many others do not.


In order to provide individuals with a realistic expectation regarding the income opportunity associated with becoming a Nu Skin Brand Affiliate, we have published a complete summary of sales compensation paid at all levels within our Global Sales Compensation Plan. These figures are updated annually and published on the official Nu Skin website for each applicable region/market.


Brand Affiliate Compensation Summary

For a printable version of the Brand Affiliate Compensation Summary, please click here.

Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. (together with its affiliates, the "Company") is a global direct selling company that currently operates in almost 50 countries and sells its products through a network of Independent Brand Affiliates. In 2023, the Company operated in 24 markets across EMEA1


The purpose of this document is to provide accurate and straightforward information regarding bonus commissions paid to Brand Affiliates by the Company. The table below sets forth detailed information concerning compensation paid to Brand Affiliates registered in EMEA markets in 2023.2


Generating compensation as a Brand Affiliate requires considerable time, effort, and commitment, This is not a get rich quick program and there are no guarantees of financial success.


Brand Affiliate Compensation in EMEA (all amounts in USD3)


TITLE Monthly Average Sales Compensation, Before Expenses4 Average Percentage of Active Brand Affiliates Average Percentage of Brand Representative and Above
Brand Affiliate (Non-Brand Representative)

$ 47



Qualifying Brand Representative

$ 178



Brand Representative

$ 555



Gold Partner

$ 871



Lapis Partner

$ 1,630



Ruby Partner

$ 2,569



Emerald Director

$ 4,243



Diamond Director

$ 8,343



Blue Diamond Director

$ 24,462




The average number of active Brand Affiliates5 each month in EMEA was 89,193. On a monthly basis, an average of approximately 13,612 Brand Affiliates, or 15.3% of the active Brand Affiliates in EMEA earned a commission payment.



1Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom. Operations in Ukraine were suspended during 2023 and commercial activities in Israel were closed down on June 12, 2023.


2The table only includes Brand Affiliates who qualify to receive commissions. Brand Affiliates who only for use do not qualify to receive commissions and hence, they are not included in the table.  


3The average echange rate in 2023 for 1 US Dollar was 0.927241 EURO.


4Note that these figures do not represent a Brand Affiliate's profit, as they do not consider expenses incurred by a Brand Affiliate in the promotion of his/her business and they do not include retail income. Common expenses may include, but are not limited to, travel, office license fees, insurance premiums, and legal or accounting fees.


5An “active” Brand Affiliate is defined as any Brand Affiliate who made a personal purchase during the most recent three-month period in question