One of the cornerstones of Nu Skin is our set of core values. We are firmly committed to ensuring that both the company and our Brand Affiliates conduct business in an ethical and professional manner and comply with local laws and regulations. To this end, Nu Skin has established a core set of ethical principles that each Brand Affiliate must follow.
In addition, Nu Skin has also adopted Policies and Procedures and other guideline documents which clearly outline the standards and rules that Brand Affiliates are required to abide by.
For example, not only are Brand Affiliates prohibited from making claims “regarding the income opportunity that are false or misleading,” but they must also follow our Opportunity Testimonial Guidelines, which provide further explanation and clarification regarding what is considered “false or misleading.”
Similarly, all representations and claims regarding Nu Skin products must be consistent with those approved and authorized by the company. Our Product Testimonial Guidelines also provide greater context and examples regarding this restriction.
All other policy-related documents can be found here.