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ADR Subscription Programme



ADR Subscription GENERAL








What is an ADR Subscription?


An ADR Subscription is an automatic monthly or bi-monthly (every second month) order processing on your date of choice between day 01 and 25 of the month. It also grants product points on orders to redeem products in the future. Only ADR Subscription orders with eligible products having a total order value of min 50 SV will earn product points.

What are the main benefits of the ADR Subscription programme?


In addition to being able to manage your ADR Subscription in your own time, you can earn product points on your monthly or bi-monthly (every second month) orders that can be redeemed for products, under the conditions set out in the ADR Subscription Terms and Conditions.

How do I create an ADR Subscription?


An ADR Subscription can easily be created online. To create a new bi-monthly (every two months) ADR Subscription online you will need to start by creating the ADR as a monthly ADR Subscription. Then go into Manage ADR Subscription and change the frequency by selecting "edit" under the shipping section.

Click here to create an ADR/subscription.

Are there any requirements to create an ADR Subscription?


No, there are no requirements to create an ADR Subscription. However, all your ADR Subscription orders placed and paid for within a month must have a minimum value of 50 SV in total to get the benefits of the ADR Subscription program.

How do I make changes to (manage) my ADR Subscription?


You can make changes to your ADR Subscription online. The "Manage ADR Subscription" section is located in the drop down menu under your name, after you logged in on

By when should I make any changes to my ADR Subscription?


Changes must be made at least five (5) business days prior to your designated processing date. For Direct Debit payment (if this option is available on your market) please complete the mandate form (digital or hard copy) in advance to be sure your ADR Subscription can be processed on the chosen date.

Will I be notified when my ADR Subscription order ships?


Yes, you will be sent an email 5 days before the ADR Subscription order is shipped. You will also be sent an order confirmation email when the order is created, and a tracking email is sent out every time your ADR Subscription is shipped. This email contains information that ensures you can track your order until you receive it.

What can be managed online?


You can change the products, the shipping frequency, payment type, addresses, ship the order immediately and redeem product points. As well, you may skip a shipment on your Manage ADR Subscription section.

What will happen if a product is out of stock?


If an item is out of stock, this item will be removed from your ADR Subscription order processed in that particular month, but will stay in your ADR Subscription and be included in your next ADR Subscription order as soon as the item is back in stock (without further notification).

What are ADR Subscription product points?


ADR Subscription product points (not to be confused with Sales Volume, "SV") are reward points that can be earned by purchasing products through the ADR Subscription programme. Although product points are separate from Sales Volume*, we use the Sales Volume to calculate ADR Subscription point earnings and redemptions. Your accumulated product points total can be viewed in the ADR Subscription Management section online on Detailed information about product points and calculation is available in the ADR Subscription Terms and Conditions.

Note: The corresponding SV for each Product is marked on the specific product page on your local Nu Skin website (for Brand Affiliates and Members) and in the Pricelist (for Customers, Brand Affiliates and Members) available on your local Nu Skin website.

Is there any difference in the level of product points earning?


Yes, every month your ADR Subscription is processed, you will get 20% of the ADR Subscription Sales Value (SV) as product points for the first 12 orders. Starting from your 13th processed ADR Subscription order you will earn 30% in product points. For your bi-monthly (processed every second month) ADR Subscription orders you'll get 10% of the ADR Subscription SV.

Can I redeem my product points in other countries?


No, you can only redeem product points in the country where they were earned. Example: if you have a German ADR Subscription, you can only redeem your product points in Germany.

If I return a product, will the product points I earned be deducted?


Yes, the amount of product points that product earned will be deducted from your total points. You are not allowed to return and exchange products that have been purchased with product points.

If I cancel my ADR Subscription, do I lose my product points?


In cases where it is your last ADR Subscription in that specific market, points will be deleted at the end of the month in which your ADR Subscription was cancelled.

Are there products that do not earn product points?


Yes, some products are not eligible to earn product points, including but not limited to: products which are marked as such on your local Nu Skin website or in the Pricelist; products which are not fully priced items, including but not limited to kits, packages (with the exception of ADR Subscription packages when applicable), promotional items and discounted items, branded items.

Are there any restrictions to what I can purchase with product points?


Yes, you may only purchase Nu Skin and Pharmanex products. Certain products are excluded including but not limited to products which are marked as such on your local Nu Skin website or in the Pricelist; products which are not fully priced items (notably kits, packages, promotional items, discounted items and product items under ADR Subscription pricing), branded items and Nourish the Children VitaMeal 30 Meals 1 bag, (except 2 and 5 bags packages). Newly launched products cannot be redeemed with product points for the first three (3) months starting from the date of their launch; newly launched products will be available for redemption as from the fourth (4th) month onwards.

When are my product points awarded?


Product points are awarded on the first business day of each month for the previous month's purchases. Product points can only be redeemed after they become visible on your Nu Skin account in Manage my ADR Subscription section.

How can product points be redeemed?


They can be redeemed online via the ADR Subscription Management tool on Product points may only be redeemed when the entire price of a product can be redeemed with product points.

How can I see how many product points I have available?


You can check online when you log on to your Nu Skin account on Please go to "Manage My ADR Subscription". You will also be able to see product points available, already redeemed and product points that are going to expire.

Do I pay taxes and shipping costs when I use product points?


You do not need to pay taxes on the products you redeem. In addition, you do not need to pay any additional shipping costs if your redemption products are added to an existing ADR Subscription or to another order. If the order contains only products purchased with product points, our standard shipping charges will apply.

Is there any expiry date for product points?


Yes, product points are available within the first 12 months from the date product points were awarded.

Do I earn SV on the products I redeem with product points?


No, there is no SV granted for products redeemed with product points.

How does "Ship now" work?


A "Ship now" order is a new ADR Subscription order that will take the place of your existing ADR Subscription order for the current month. For example, if you normally have a monthly ADR Subscription ship on day 20 of each month, you can go online and place a "Ship now" order on day 12 with different product(s). This order will not change the regular date and content of your initial ADR Subscription.


  • Log into your Nu Skin account
  • Click on your name (on the top right of the webpage)
  • Click on Manage ADR Subscription
  • Select the ADR you want to ship now
  • Click on "Ship now" under order

How "Skip a shipment" (ADR Subscription Holds) work?


A hold is when your ADR order does not ship for a specified month. "Skip a shipment" will skip your next order.


  • Log into your Nu Skin account
  • Click on your name (on the top right of the webpage)
  • Click on Manage ADR Subscription
  • Select the ADR you want to skip
  • Click on Skip a shipment under orders

How many times can I skip a shipment (put ADR Subscription on hold) in 1 calendar year?


You may skip the shipment 3 times in a calendar year without having your ADR Subscription Agreement cancelled.

If I skip my ADR Subscription Shipment, does it skip the other shipments under my account?


You have the option to skip all orders (one by one) or specify which order to skip and which ADR Subscription to put on hold.

How do I cancel my ADR Subscription programme?


You may cancel your ADR Subscription online by selecting "Delete ADR Subscription" on the ADR Subscription Management section.


  • Log into your Nu Skin account
  • Click on your name (on the top right of the webpage)
  • Click on Manage ADR Subscription
  • Select Delete ADR Subscription

Can I reactivate my ADR Subscription once it has been cancelled?


Yes. You may reactivate your ADR Subscription once it has been cancelled, but you will not retain ADR Subscription product points. However, if you notify the company within 30 days of deletion and request reinstatement of the deleted ADR Subscription product points, then the product points will be reinstated. If not, the ADR Subscription product points you had previously earned will be deleted and you will start over.


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