Anti-Aging Scientific Advisory Board

With the commitment to become the world’s premiere anti-aging company, we have the NU SKIN Anti-Aging Advisory Scientific Board to better reflect our anti-aging focus and competitive advantage in both nutrition and personal care. By sharing their knowledge, experience and talent, these experts ensure that NU SKIN stays on the forefront of anti-aging product development and leading to more breakthroughs and a robust pipeline of new products for the next ten years.

José Viña, Ph.D.
Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Physiology (University of Valencia, Spain)
Fellow of the Real Academia de Medicina de Valencia
- José Viñais currently a professor and Chair of the Department of Physiology of the University of Valencia, Spain.
- He has participated in many scientific research projects funded by the European Union, the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, the Institute of Healthcare Carlos III and other government agencies.
- He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Rennes, France and the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Torino, Italy.
- 312 peer-reviewed professional academic papers have been published
- Received more than a dozen global research innovation awards including the Albert Struyvenberg Medal from the European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI) 2017.
- Fellow of the Real Academia de Medicina de Valencia
Professional field
- The link between aging and exercise
- Nutritional research related to longevity
- Alzheimer's related research

Giuseppe Valacchi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Regenerative Medicine at North Caroline State University
- Associate professor of regenerative medicine at North Carolina State University in the United States
- A member of the SFRR (Society for Free Radical Research) Europe Council
- Has published more than 250 high-impact reviewed internationals papers
- Invited to speak at more than 100 international academic conferences, and was invited to serve as the chairperson or organizer of more than 50 international academic conferences
- 2020 Clinical Research Award from SFRR-E (European Council of the Free Radical Research Association)
- Ph.D. in Cell Physiology and Neuroimmuno-physiology at the University of Siena, Italy
- Awarded with the “Doctorate Honoris Causa” in Biochemistry and Pharmacy from the University of Buenos Aires for his work in the redox biology field
Professional field
- The effect of free radicals on the skin and other target organs
- Physio-pathological response of tissues to changes in redox homeostasis

Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D., F.A.A.D.
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
- Vice-President of the American Academy of Dermatology
- Received a lifetime achievement award from Health Beauty America for her research and the 2008 DermArts award for her contributions to dermatology
- Awarded a Presidential Citation from the American Academy of Dermatology for her research contributions to advance the specialty
•Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology

Cesar Fraga Ph.D.
Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Associate with the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) at the University of California, Davis
- Doctoral in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires
- Postdoctoral stages at the University of California
Professional field
- Plant bioactives
- Nutrition and pharmacology
- Involving oxidative stress and antioxidant actions

Patricia Oteiza, Ph.D.
Full professor at the departments of Nutrition and of Environmental Toxicology at the University of California, Davis
- Professor at the departments of Nutrition and of Environmental Toxicology at the University of California, Davis
- Was Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, and scientist of the National Research Council (CONICET) between 1990
- Undergraduate and doctoral degrees in Biochemistry at the University of Buenos Aires
- Postdoctoral training at the University of California, Davis
Professional field
- Relevance of bioactives
- Trace elements on human health

Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute for Ethnomedicine
- Professor and Dean of the Brigham Young University and Distinguished Professor of the Brigham Young University in Hawaii
- Holds Visiting Professorships at the University of Melbourne, Uppsala University andUmea University
- Director and CEO of the congressionally chartered National Tropical Botanical Garden inHawaii and Florida
- Chairman and Founder of the Seacology Foundation which helped preserve 65,000acres of rain forests in South Pacific Islands
- Director of the Institute for Ethnomedicine and published over 140 scientific articlesand 3 books
- Named 1 of 11 Heroes of Medicine by the Time Magazine
- Received Goldman Prize, the Nobel Prize of Environment
- Received the Bowdoin Prize, Harvard University’s most prestigious literary award, and became one of the first individuals since Ralph Waldo Emerson received the award twice
- Received Presidential Young Investigator Award from National Science FoundationAppointed as Nafanua, one of the highest chief titles in Samoa
- Ph.D. in Biology from Harvard University
- M.Sc. degree in Ecology from University of Wales

Prof. King-Jen Chang, M.D., Ph.D
Superintendent of Cheng Ching General Hospital-Chung Kang Branch
Professor, Department of Surgery, Medicine College of Taiwan University

Prof. Feng-Lin Hsu, Ph.D.
Professor, Pharmacognosy of Taiwan Well-Known Medical University
- Professor and Director of Taipei Medical University, Department of Hospital Pharmacy and Department of Pharmacognosy Science and Technology
- Had been invited to continue the research on Chinese medicine by National Committee of Taiwan, and participated in the development of academic society chemistry, pharmacology and clinical research
- Served as a research conductor of various national research projects
- Published a sizable number of scientific papers and articles
- Received Master and Ph.D. of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences from Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan
- Received a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy at the School of Pharmacy of Taipei Medical College in Taiwan

Prof. Zonglian Jin
Professor of Food Science, College of Applied Arts and Science of Beijing Union University
- Senior Expert of National Dietary Supplement
- Honorary President of Beijing Food Institute ; First President of Dietary Supplement Branch of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology; Ex-Councilman of China's Health Care Association; Ex-President of Subcommittee on Health Product monitoring; Famous expert on Dietary Supplement in China.
- More than 30 years on science & technology in dietary supplement, act as primary director in key lab on bioactivator and dietary supplement; as well as primary director in inspection center of College of Applied Arts and Science, Beijing Union University.
- Senior Expert of national dietary supplement evaluation; published more than 200 theses and 3 composing, among which, Principle and Method for dietary supplement evaluation, was the first monograph on dietary supplement evaluation; winning the special allowance of the State Council, and 5 progress prizes in science and technology.
- Carried out researches on anti-fatigue and anti-aging food and developed several products which help to resist fatigue and alleviate dysmnsia of elderly people.
- Graduated from Physiology of Human and Animal, Institute of Biology, Peking University in 1964. (Bachelor Degree)
- Graduated from Physiology of Human and Animal, Institute of Biology, Peking University in 1982. (Master Degree)
- Visiting Scholar of Alberta University, Canada, from 1990 to 1991
Education and Investigation on Dietary Supplement

Prof. Zhiying Ma
Technical Director of Shanghai Food Research Institute
Professorate Senior Engineer
- Professor Ma has more than 30 years of working experience in Shanghai Food Research Institute. He had acted as Research Director, Chief Engineer and Deputy Director. At present, he acts as Technical Director of Shanghai Food Research Institute.
- Acts as Director of Expert Committee of Shanghai Food Association and Director of Food Safety Professional Committee of Shanghai Food Science Society.
- More than 30 years of working experience on in Food Biochemistry Science, Food Engineering and Food Safety. He completed over ten key research projects in recent years such as Development of Bioactive Collagen Polypeptide and Its Application Research in The Functional Food. Further, he has won more than ten Science and Technology Awards from Ministry of Science and Technology and at provincial levels.
- As the first-named inventor, Professor. Ma was granted patents for Preparation Method of Certain Collagen Hyhrolysate Calcium, and Preparation Natural Active Collagen with Acid Enzyme Complex Method.
- Published 4 science books, including "What to Eat--- Personal Food Safety Guide", "What to Eat --- How to Select Safe Food", "Eat Right, Stay Healthy---To eat a Balanced Diet for Vitality", "The Famous Doctor Teaches You to be Healthy ---Prof. Ma Teaches You How to Find Safe Food". He published over 30 research papers and more than 100 science articles at home and abroad.
- Professor Ma was often invited to attend exclusive interviews held by mainstream media such as internet, TV stations and newspapers. He is the invited expert in a progamme of Shanghai Television, which serves to spread the knowledge of Food Safety.
- Food Biochemistry Science / Food Engineering / Food Safety

Prof. Yuling Shi
Professor, Chief Physician, Department of Dermatology in Clinical medicine, Tongji University
- Prof. Shi graduated from the Second Military Medical University with Ph.D. degree on Dermatology;
- Made post-doctoral research work in dermatology and immunology laboratory of Henry Ford Health System (US) during 2011-2012;engaged in Dermatology clinical, teaching and scientific research work for more than 20 years; Presided over multiple Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Natural Science Fund and projects supported by Science and Technology commission of Shanghai;
- Published more than 50 professional articles in the field, and 18 of which on SCI journals.
- National Psoriasis Committee member of the Dermatology branch of Chinese Medical Association; Committee member of the Professional committee of the Dermatology branch of the China Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine under the division of Psoriasis; Committee member of the Dermatology of Shanghai Medical Association; Vice team leader of the Psorasis’team of the Dermatology Branch of Shanghai Medical Association; Committee member of the Dermatology of Taiwan Medical Association; Committee member of the Dermatology Branch of Shanghai Association of Chinese Medicine; Committee member of Shanghai laser quality control panel; Committee member of Skin pharmacology professional panel of Shanghai Pharmacology Association.
- Laser Cosmetic
- Cosmetic Injection
- Research of Psorasis, autoimmune skin disease