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To help the children in need and let our business partners experience the happiness of participating in volunteer activities, the Nu Skin Volunteer Team in Hong Kong & Macau was established in 2006. This program has received overwhelming responses since its launch. Our main charity partners are the Harmony House, Fresh Fish Traders’ School and Tung Tak School.

We have been collaborating with the mentioned partners and organizing different activities for the children continually on monthly basis. For instance, we visited theme parks and museums, as well as celebrated festive seasons at shopping malls. Regular “Star Creator Reward Scheme” is also one of our focuses under the Community Outreach branch in order to encourage all-rounded development for students. We wish the "Force For Good" energy would help the children in need to feel the love and care from the community and grow up happily and healthily.



Planned since 2014 and launched in 2015, Star Creator Reward Scheme aims at encouraging self-improvement among students through a variety of incentives. We have set up Star of Improvement, Star of Moral Conduct, Star of Chinese Reading and Star of English Reading in each class to encourage and recognize students achieving improvement, good moral conduct and best reading during the period with rewards of daily necessities such as shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. For underprivileged families, rewards of daily necessities not only alleviate family needs, but also enhance students’ contributions to their own family. Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation Hong Kong Chapter will continue to improve the living conditions of grassroots families through the concept of "teach a man to fish" and practical measures, thus encouraging students to strive for excellence in-class and study hard. Until December 2019, the program has encouraged nearly 1,000 students of Fresh Fish Trader’s School and Tung Tak School.

Nu Skin Volunteer Team in Hong Kong & Macau has a total of 5,102 volunteers performing service (frequency) helping 37,895 beneficiaries, compiling total of more than 24,865 volunteer hours. (The above data is as of the end of December 2021) Due to your support, volunteer activity of Nu Skin Volunteer Team was presented many awards, like "Champion of Highest Service Hour Award 2018" by the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department.