Automatic Delivery Rewards is simply the easiest way for you to receive the products you love, and maintain your personal volume and eligibility. Each month, the products you have chosen are conveniently delivered to you on the day you choose. The great benefits of ADR:
- Product comes to your doorstep every month
- Receive 5% off product price
- Increased flexibility
- Manage your account online 24/7
- Earn points toward product based on 20% of total order PSV
- Product points increase to 30% after 12 shipments on program
- Earn up to 75 product points per month
1. Create an ADR order.
Simply create a new ADR monthly order, of at least 50 PSV, that will ship automatically each month on the scheduled ship date. Select products now. Need help creating your ADR? View the Create ADR Tutorial.
2. Manage an Existing ADR order.
Easily modify your existing monthly ADR order with new products. Need help managing your ADR? View the Manage ADR Tutorial.
3. Override an existing ADR order.
Conveniently place a new order and have it take the place of your existing ADR order for the current month.