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ageLOC LumiSpa Unboxing Video Guidelines

Tips Before You Start.

1. Aim to keep your video to under minute (ideally, closer to 30 seconds).

2. If possible, have someone else film you. You’ll need both hands free to open the box, and it’s important that viewers see your reaction. If you’re filming a selfie video, please use a tripod.

3. Make sure lighting is good. This means full light on you opening the box with no back-lighting.

4. If you don’t have editing software, try to self-edit as you go. Stop filming at boring moments, like walking the box into the house or struggling to open packaging, then turn the camera on again at key moments.

5. Make sure the background is clean, neat, and uncluttered. Also, make sure that any pets, kids or distracting noises are out of the space.

6. Please eliminate competitor products from the shot, including items with visible branding like graphic t-shirt (other than Nu Skin).

7. Having more than one persona unboxing is fine. Just make sure that they know the main goals of your video are excitement and enthusiasm.

8. Look your best on camera - dress in a clean, neat, modest way and groom appropriately.

9. Be creative! You could host an “Opening Party” in which several people gather around while you unbox your LumiSpa, or stage a treasure hunt where you have to find your hidden box, or have a “Christmas in August” experience with the excitement of opening a special gift. Think of your own way to make opening the LumiSpa exciting.

10. You could film or edit with fast-speed or slow-motion effects to make your videos fun to watch. Remember, the goal is to post this on social media and get a viral reach, so creativity is key.