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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do we have a Nu Skin Info Center?


With the increase in sponsoring through social sharing, we have received a lot of feedback from you, our leaders, asking us to help introduce new Brand Affiliates to Nu Skin's basics.

2. Which markets will have access to the Nu Skin Info Center?


The Nu Skin Info Center is currently available for United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and Poland. By 2025, we plan to expand access to other markets across Europe and Africa.

3. Who decides which topics to focus on?


You do! We selected the main topics from a variety of sources:

1. Focus Group Interviews

2. Yearly Report Survey

3. Account Manager surveys

4. Call Center surveys

Adding content is an ongoing process. Do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager to share your feedback on what content you need and want to see to help you on your journey.

4. How do I access the Nu Skin Info Center?


All new Brand Affiliates will receive a welcome email with a link that takes them directly to the Nu Skin Info Center.


A link to the Nu Skin Info Center can always be found once you logged in to, in the drop-down menu.

5. Is the Nu Skin Info Center just for new recruits or can anyone use it?


It's for everyone! The content is currently geared for new Brand Affiliates, but we will continue to add more content over time.


We encourage everyone to go through the programme using your "new to Nu Skin" eyes. This will help us to understand what is helpful and what can be altered or added in the future. Who knows, you might learn something new too!

6. Are new Brand Affiliates required to go through the Nu Skin Info Center?


No. The Nu Skin Info Center is a support to access useful information. It is not mandatory.

7. How long is each task?


The tasks were designed to be short and informative. 

8. Will there be more content created?


Absolutely! We will continue to add content based on the needs of our Brand Affiliates and the feedback they provide.

9. What if I have a question, suggestion or issue with the Nu Skin Info Center?


If you see something you like, tell us! If you see something that is not working properly, please let us know! If you have a suggestion of topics or information that should be included, please share. We are all ears! Please make sure to contact your local Account Manager to share your feedback.

10. Will this replace the training I provide to my team?


No! The Nu Skin Info Center was created to support our leaders. Training new Brand Affiliates on the basics will allow our leaders more time to focus on developing individuals and future leaders within their organisations. There is no need to waste time showing new Brand Affiliates where to find information about products, what a "PIP" is, or which apps and tools to download or how to start earning Bonuses. The Nu Skin Info Center relieves you of this responsibility and allows more time for you to teach your new recruits the best way to do the business.