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ageLOC Human Logo


We know you love ageLOC® but how do you live it?


Are you looking for teambuilding ideas that will give you and those in your downline fun memories they will treasure forever?

Look no further, we have some exciting ideas for you!


Recreate the ageLOC® human logo
Gather as many people as possible in your downline, watch the video above and recreate the ageLOC human logo. Then take a photo of it and send it to:


Share it with the world
Do you have a favourite ageLOC® product and want everyone to know it? We would love to see what it is. Simply take a photo of yourself holding your favourite ageLOC® product and send it to


But don’t stop there…
Why not inspire others by adding a few lines below your photo, telling us why you love this particular ageLOC® product?

To add to the fun, all photos will be published on our EMEA Facebook page, this way you can relive the moment and share your thoughts about the experience with others.


There is no limit to the quantity of photos that you can send to us. So, take as many photos as you like and send them to the address above by 30 June 2012.


Get out your camera, recreate, participate and let the fun begin!


Join the ageLOC® excitement