Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical processes in the body,
including the conversion between food and energy, development of building blocks
and energy storage, and elimination of cellular waste.
Metabolic health is so much more than just the conversion of food to energy,
it is our body’s biochemistry in a metabolic network that impacts key indicators, like…
Metabolism Health Spectrum
In this always-on world, modern lifestyle like working crazy hours,
staying up late and getting up early, eating on the run
and stresses throwing our body chemistry out of sync.
Unhealthy lifestyle affects our body such as:
Healthy vs Unhealthy Metabolism
Metabolic health isn’t only impacted by what we eat and our physical activities,
it also impacts how our body responds to these lifestyle factors.
In a recent research of blood glucose level after eating food high in sugar content,
people with healthy metabolism shows a more stable control in blood glucose level. &
Metabolic unhealthy brings negative impacts to our body, such as:
Anthocyanins Unrivalled Metabolic
Health Science by Nu Skin
Backed by 7 years of groundbreaking, exclusive-to-Nu Skin research,
we discovered a powerful ingredient – Anthocyanins,
which can target the sources that impact metabolic health,
and help shift your body towards a healthier metabolic state.
Anthocyanins are vibrant blue-purple colors and red pigments
in selected fruits and vegetables. We normally get only 1/8 out of the target daily dose
through diet alone#, which is not enough to bring the body to a healthy metabolic state.
2 Types of Powerful Anthocyanin
Among different anthocyanins, Cyanidin & Delphinidin
are the most effective types in protecting cells
from inflammatory-induced damages.*
Black currants, bilberries and black rice are rich in Cyanidin and Delphinidin.
The anthocyanin inside these foods bring us with significant biochemistry benefits.
The Unique Blend for Extraordinary Benefits
Helps enhance microbiome+
Helps improve anti-oxidant defence
Helps maintain healthy blood glucose
Helps support a healthy inflammatory balance /
immune activity
Helps support core metabolism
Helps support vital organs health
(including liver and heart)
Research results of Anthocyanins
Anthocyanins help promote a healthy microbiome
for better gut health.+
2. May Assist in Stabilizing Blood Sugar
After having a high fat meal, people who took the anthocyanin blend
showed a less increase in blood glucose level,
it means his/her blood glucose level is more stable.~
After intake of anthocyanin-prebiotic blend for 8 weeks,
HbA1c (average level of blood sugar over 3 months)
is statistically significant improved to a healthier level.+
3. Support inflammatory balance
After taking anthocyanin blend, intestinal permeability
is improved immediately with lowered plasma endotoxins level,
hence results in healthier mice.~
Experiment shown that high fat diet increases fat cells in liver tissue (picture 1) ,
while taking anthocyanins, fat cells in liver are obviously less than the high fat group (picture 2)
and resulted in liver tissue that looked much more like the control group (picture 3).%
5. Shift Body to a Healthier Metabolic State
After taking anthocyanin blend, metabolic way and
biochemistry of the body looks alike those of a person with healthy lifestyle.
It proves that anthocyanin blend can shift the body to a healthier metabolic state.!
Metabolic Health Information Leaflet
^ Araújo J, Cai J, Stevens J. Preva. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2019;17(1):46-52. doi:10.1089/met.2018.0105
& Yun JW, Cho YK, Park JH, Kim HJ, Park DI, Sohn CI, Jeon WK, Kim BI. Abnormal glucose tolerance in young male patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Liver Int. 2009 Apr;29(4):525-9.
# Sebastian RS, et al. J Nutr. 2015;145(6):1239-1248. doi:10.3945/jn.115.213025
* Cremonini E, Mastaloudis A, Hester SN, Verstraeten SV, Anderson M, Wood SM, Waterhouse AL, Fraga CG, Oteiza PI. Anthocyanins inhibit tumor necrosis alpha-induced loss of Caco-2 cell barrier integrity. Food Funct. 2017 Aug 1;8(8):2915-2923.
+ Hester SN, Mastaloudis A, Gray R, Antony JM, Evans M, Wood SM. Efficacy of an Anthocyanin and Prebiotic Blend on Intestinal Environment in Obese Male and Female Subjects. J Nutr Metab. 2018 Sep 13;2018:7497260.
~ Cremonini, E., E. Daveri, J. H. Kang, Z. Wang, A. Mastaloudis, R. Grey, S. M. Wood, S. N. Hester, C. G. Fraga and P. I. Oteiza (2019). Effect of an anthocyanin-rich plant polyphenol blend on the inflammatory and metabolic responses to a high-fat meal in healthy subjects. ICPH, Kobe, Japan.
% Daveri E, Cremonini E, Mastaloudis A, Hester SN, Wood SM, Waterhouse AL, Anderson M, Fraga CG, Oteiza PI. Cyanidin and delphinidin modulate inflammation and altered redox signaling improving insulin resistance in high fat-fed mice. Redox Biol. 2018 Sep;18:16-24.
! Azzini E, Giacometti J, Russo GL. Antiobesity Effects of Anthocyanins in Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:2740364. doi:10.1155/2017/2740364