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Do you need healthy metabolism?


It’s generally believed that young and having normal weight will be metabolically healthy.

But it’s not true! Modern lifestyle easily gets us into health trap that you don’t even notice.

We All Need Healthy Metabolism!


Purple Up Your Day, The Nu Skin Way


7 years of science research brings you ageLOC® META -

the unrivaled industry disruptor!

Scientifically proven

biological benefits

Targets sources

that impact metabolic health

Proprietary science

& exclusive research

Original Small Plant 

Polyphenol molecules

Discover Anthocyanin & Polypheonl​


Researches by Nu Skin found out anthocyanin appears in food helps support core metabolism,

 Cyanidin is the most effective type to cellular protection and improve metabolism.

In addition, the absorption rate of Original Small Plant Polyphenol molecules is three times of Lychee Polyphenols, which bring along the best results in supporting metabolic health!​

Counteract Modern Lifestyle

with 4 Benefits!


metabolic health

Support a healthy

inflammatory balance


antioxidant defence​


healthy cellular function

Nu Skin – Pioneer of Anti-aging Science


Since developed, Nu Skin has always been the leader in anti-aging science.

By continuous investing in anti-aging and  genetic research,

we developed a comprehensive anti-aging product line.


Since 2008, Nu Skin invented innovative ageLOC® technology,

and established Scientific Advisory Board and anti-aging research center.

Then in 2010 set up “Nu Skin Innovation Center”,

and acquired “LifeGen Technologies” for its over 30 years of

vital aging-related genes database, genetic data points and

expertise in gene expression research, to explore process of gene aging and

find the way to target the sources and adjust the gene expression.

ageLOC® - The US$10 Billion Brand


ageLOC® is a trademark technology of Nu Skin,

to target the genetic sources of aging (YGCs),

and by adjusting the expresson of related genetic sources

of aging (YGCs) to improve signs of aging.


ageLOC® series includes skincare and supplement products for

inner and external anti-aging solution. The brand has sold more than US$10 billion

of ageLOC® products during 2008 to 2020.

But Nu Skin keeps moving on anti-aging research and launched ageLOC BoostTM

with innovative “variable microcurrent”, when used with Activating Treatment

containing ageLOC® Blend, enhances skin elasticity and brightness in just 2 minutes daily.

In 2021, new Pharmanex® product ageLOC® META launched,

which is a unique supplement in the market that targets the sources affect metabolic health.

In the world with rapid aging population, Nu Skin brings us the ultimate solution for living younger.

6S Quality Process


Nu Skin has developed own standards for development and manufacturing processes,

by maintaining quality, efficacy, and safety controls through each and

every stage to ensure unsurpassed results that meet only the highest standards and

comply with all relevant government requirements. This process involves a set of rigorous,

highly integrated activities and includes multiple layers of scientific testing and attention to detail.

This 6S Quality Process requires consistent collaboration and a unified commitment to quality.

ageLOC®Anti-aging Supplements


Suitable for people concern
metabolic health


Key Benefits

Everyday renewal

Enhance metabolic health


ageLOC® R2

Suitable for who exhausted &
wants to feel young & energetic


Key Benefits

Enhance vitality

Help staying energized


Suitable for people desire a more positive,
revitalized and heathier life


Key Benefits

Maintenance Provide overall health benefits
for living younger



Suitable for people love gym &
concern weight & shape


Key Benefits

Weight management

Maintain muscle