

Maintaining a healthy lymphatic system is vital as it helps to improve lymphatic circulation and stay in shape. To have better lymphatic health, we must understand how it works.


How does


the lymphatic system


work in our body?



There are 2 main circulatory systems in our body – the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. 

The cardiovascular system is responsible for blood circulationby the heart pumping and it delivers oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. On the other hand, the lymphatic system needs muscle contraction to push the circulation of lymph fluid.


The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphoid organs, lymphoid tissues, and lymph nodes. 

It helps filter body tissue fluid, fight against bacteria, and detox simultaneously.


What are the adverse impacts of poor lymphatic circulation?


Do you notice that aging and bad habits such as lack of exercise and prolonged standing or sitting will affect our lymphatic circulation1

If we neglect the lymphatic health, our body may show the following symptoms! 




Poor lymphatic circulation might lead to sore muscles, back pain, swollen limbs and slower recovery of muscles after workout.

Appearance of Cellulite

Study proved that swollen lymph nodes can lead the formation of cellulite and affect skin appearance2.




The lymphatic system is responsible for detoxification and immune health. Poor lymphatic circulation accumulates toxins in the body and affects immune function. It also causes our body or limbs puffiness.


How can we improve

lymphatic health in daily life?


By understanding the negative impacts of poor lymphatic circulation, it's time to learn how to improve lymphatic health in our daily life.

✔ Regular Exercise

Regular exercise helps strengthen muscle contraction and hence pushes the movement of lymph fluid and maintain a healthy lymphatic system.


✔ Massage

The pressure put on the muscle during massage helps push the movement of lymph fluid and relieve swollen limbs to reduce the risk of poor lymphatic circulation and excessive accumulation of lymph fluid.

✔ Dietary Habit

Avoiding excessive oil, salt, sugar and processed food intake can lower the risk of obesity and swollen limbs. Besides, absorbing more high in fibre foods and adequate amount of water improves body detoxification.


A more scientific approach to improve lymphatic health


Apart from improving lymphatic health in our daily life, using a more scientific approach can help to improve lymphatic health more effectively and efficiently!


Using microcurrent to improve lymphatic circulation


Pulsing current can generate physical vibrations through the skin to stimulate nitric oxide for increasing vasodilation and driving microcirculation.


Biphasic pulsing direct current can increase the permeability of the epidermis, when combined with other products (such as massage gel) will enhance skin absorption.


It is essential to maintain the balance between receiving the highest current intensity and the skin's comfort level when we use pulsing current.

Continuous comfort control microcurrent can continuously adapt to the conductivity of the skin during the treatment process. It allows the current to increase or decrease within milliseconds, which reduces the irritation of the current to the skin and maintains the comfort of the treatment.



Herbal topicals are good for maintaining better lymphatic health!


Applying products containing specific ingredients that can target skin tissues or cells helps to promote lymphatic circulation and maintain a healthy lymphatic system. They can also nourish, firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance.


✔ Benefits in Health :


Enhance lymphatic circulation


for balanced & wellness



Lotus Corniculatus Flower Extract3

(Contains glycerine and water)

•   Has a stimulating effect on adiponectin

•   Adiponectin promotes lymph vessel formation



Crithmum Maritimum Extract

•   Stimulates the production of β-endorphin by human keratinocytes 



Withania Somnifera Root Extract

•   Increases cell energy


✔ Benefits in Beauty :


Minimizes the formation of cellulite


for improved skin appearance



Green Tea Blends

•   Affects adipocytes


•   Lipolytic gene expression in adipocytes



Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Oil


•   Minimizes the appearance of cellulite

•   Firms and tightens the skin


Caesalpinia Spinosa Fruit & Kappaphycus Alvarezii Extract

•   Visibly firms and tightens skin





AI peptide-1



•   Identifies the peptide that can tackle the mechanisms of the inflammatory response and extracellular matrix protein (including elastin)


Enhance your lymphatic circulation with advanced technology and ingredients science


We have learnt the importance of a healthy lymphatic system. Poor lymphatic circulation leads to toxins accumulation and results in sore muscle, body swelling and puffing. An improved lifestyle could help to enhance body detoxification and lymphatic health. But with the advancement in technology, we now can stimulate lymphatic circulation with the use of microcurrent technology and products with specific ingredients. By improving lymphatic health, we could achieve a balanced in inner and outer beauty as our body will be able to recover faster and detox more efficiently, at the same time the skin is nourished.



1. Raghu P. Kataru*, Hyeung Ju Park, Jinyeon Shin, Jung Eun Baik, Ananta Sarker, Stav Brown and Babak J Mehrara. Structural and Functional Changes in Aged Skin Lymphatic Vessels Front. Aging, 04 April 2022 Sec. Aging and the Immune System Volume 3–2022│http://doi.org/10.3389/fragi.2022.864860.

2. de Godoy JMP, de Godoy ACP, Godoy MFG. Considering the hypothesis of the pathophysiology of cellulite in its treatment. Dermatol Reports. 2017 Oct 16;9(2):7352. doi: 10.4081/dr.2017.7352. PMID: 29142660; PMCID: PMC5661147.

3. Shimizu Y, Shibata R, Ishii M, Ohashi K, Kambara T, Uemura Y, Yuasa D, Kataoka Y, Kihara S, Murohara T, Ouchi N. Adiponectin-mediated modulation of lymphatic vessel formation and lymphedema. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Sep 19;2(5):e000438.