Everyone wants a fit body but
it is extremely hard. Are you one of the below?
helps target keep fit obstacles for the above
groups and welcomes a personalized fit journey!
Tired of trying one-size-fits-all weight management solutions?
“TRME®” is a personalized approach, by combining
supplement, 333+ diet and regular exercise,
to flexibly meeting your unique needs for
weight management and lifestyle transformation.
To support a healthy weight management,
freely mix & match TRME® products to get ideal shape which
supported by proprietary ageLOC® technology and
Nu Skin 6S quality process of safe and effective fit experience.
• Achieve measurable results in 2 weeks*
• Improve resting metabolic rate
• Provide a thermogenic effect
• Contribute to daily protein needs
to help support lean muscle
• Help support weight management goals while provide well-rounded nutrition
• Low in calories, convenience, delicious
Persistency is the golden rule of a successful weight management,
and TRME® 14 Days Starter Kit is the powerful first step of your FIT transformation!
The 2 products, SmartWin & M-Shake, work together to improve RMR while
provide sufficient nutrition. It is a quick and healthy way to achieve
measurable results in 14 days with reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise,
lus prepare your body for ongoing success.
• Support appetite control and help reduce feeling of hunger
• Support a sustained feeling of
fullness and satiety with fiber
• Individual stick for taking anytime anywhere
• Improve resting metabolic rate
• Provide a thermogenic effect
• Shaping and supporting fat loss*
• Leap over snacking hurdles
and help snack less freque
• Reduce stress and improve feelings
of well-being
• Feel less hungry
* When combined with a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise.
#LEAN-S and SNACK WIN will be launched early 2023
Extreme dieting is not the trend anymore!
Only balanced nutrition can support
a sustainable weight management program.
Adjust your meals according to the 333+ eating plan,
at the same time avoid eating processed food
and food high in oil, salt, sugar, calories.
A healthy body is the key to future well-being!
Merge workout into lifestyle for fit and self-confidence.
Regular exercise for 30 minutes, 5 times per week helps
train-up muscle while reduce fat accumulation for ideal shape.
Personalized TRME® health weight management journey with
IoT technology and get control of your fitness progress.
Product Education Video ①
Product Education Video ②
ageLOC® TRME® Product Leaflet