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Discover the new, superpowered ageLOC LumiSpa iO System

Meet the new ageLOC LumiSpa iO - a smarter, superpowered upgrade of ageLOC LumiSpa. Thanks to IoT technology, the device connects with Nu Skin Vera app to guide you and help you keep track of your skincare goals.

ageLOC LumiSpa System

Are you an ageLOC LumiSpa device owner? Below you can find kits, complementary products, and accessories for your device.

Visit ageLOC LumiSpa iO System page to purchase the new, connected version of the system and complementary products.



ageLOC LumiSpa Kits

ageLOC LumiSpa Complementary products

ageLOC LumiSpa Accessories