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What is Nourish the Children?

Nourish the Children (NTC) is an initiative that applies business principles to address the problem of childhood hunger in a sustainable manner. The program begins with a highly nutritious food developed by Nu Skin’s nutritional scientists, known as VitaMeal. The company’s sales leaders, customers and employees can purchase VitaMeal and choose to donate the food to a third-party nonprofit organization that specializes in distributing relief to those suffering from malnutrition and famine. Since 2002, Nu Skin and its sales leaders, customers and employees have donated more than 650 million meals to malnourished children around the world. As is the case with other Nu Skin products, distributors are paid commissions and Nu Skin earns a profit margin from each sale of VitaMeal, which is lower than the profit margin on virtually all of Nu Skin’s other products.







Why Nourish the Children?

With Nourish the Children, you know what your money will buy—nutritious VitaMeal. You know how your donated VitaMeal will be used—to nourish children in need. You know that your donations will be leveraged with matching donations and through education and disease prevention programs. And you know that you are making a difference, with more than 120,000 children being nourished every day in countries around the world.



Nu Skin is a for-profit distributor of nutritional and skin care products and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NUS). Nourish the Children is an initiative of Nu Skin and is registered in some states as a commercial co-venture. The initiative enables Nu Skin’s brand affiliates and customers to purchase VitaMeal from Nu Skin and donate it to charitable organizations to help solve the complex world problem of feeding malnourished children. The price of VitaMeal includes the cost of manufacturing, general overhead, distribution and sales. As is the case with other Nu Skin products, brand affiliates are paid commissions and Nu Skin earns a profit margin from each sale of VitaMeal.