
media coverage 2016

The only threat is: you can quickly become addicted to it!” The beauty editor expressed her enthusiasm for ageLOC Me customised skin care system in a great article.

August 2016 – ruzsesmas.hu
The launch of Nutriol Eyelash Treatment was presented by the beauty editor in a nice article about the benefits and also gave tips and tricks regarding the usage.

The Nu Skin Senior National Championship was among the main topics of the monthly pentathlon magazine on the national sport channel.

June 2016 – Top Class
(Czech Republic)
The June-July issue of the premium category magazine was published with a nice ½ page advertisement of ageLOC Me.

The best selling glossy magazin features ageLOC Me in the „Showcase” section highlighting the most important things to know about it.

ageLOC Me was introduced by the prominent women’s magazine with the title „Personalised innovation”

May 2016 - prerodicov.sk
The online article introduces our unique ageLOC Me skin care system.

The world-wide known glossy magazine’s editor tested various beauty solutions for the bikini season and she has a really positive opinion about ageLOC Galvanic Body Trio. Beside that a beautiful half-page ageLOC Me advertisement is featured in the same edition.

April 2016 – Nők Lapja Psziché (Hungary)
The popular magazine dedicated its third issue to ageing. The novelties section introduces ageLOC Me as a personalised skin care solution.

April 2016 – diéta&fitnesz
The health and lifestyle magazine features ageLOC Me in the Novelties section entitled „Personalised skin care”.

"Talking about beauty innovations 2016 ageLOC Me is represented in the popular woman magazine PETRA with its revolutionary use and advantages of customised skin care."

The prestigous magazine published a 2-page article on our ageLOC Me skin care system.

March 2016 – ruzsesmas.hu (Hungary)
The online beauty magazine introduces our latest innovation, ageLOC® Me in details with the title „Skin care with smart device“.

March 2016 - kamzakrasou.sk (Slovakia)
The article is about our latest innovation and advanced skin assessment ageLOC® Me. The product system is characterized as a solution for customized skin care.

March 2016 – Marie Claire (Hungary)
The beauty section focused on cellrenewal in this issue collection the best products of the category featuring Celltrex Co Q10 Complex. Same selection was posted on the online version of the magazine as well.

February 2016 - Packaging and Print Media (South Africa)
FMCG packaging innovation and developments from around the world, said smart packaging and customisation are two cutting edge packaging trends that have been brought to life in the new ageLOC Me beauty system from Nu Skin.

February 2016 – diéta&fitnesz (Hungary)
The novelties section features our newly launched TR90 M-Shakes while in the beauty section our other novelty, Nu Color Curling Mascara is recommended for the attractive look.

February 2016 - Côté Santé (France)
Our revolutionary customized skin care ageLOC Me spotted in this issue of magazine Côté Santé. Stay tuned, it’s available online very soon!

February 2016 - The Glam Attitude.com (France)
Nu Skin True Face Line Corrector: “For us men!”. Do you want to know why? Read the post from The Glam Attitude.

January 2016 - Le Grand 8 - D8 (France)
"Skin care of the future is the personal skin care,” says beauty journalist Caroline Ithurbide in the cool French TV show ‘Le Grand 8’ airing on D8. She shows why NU Skin ageLOC me is a world wide game changer within anti age skin care - customised skin care!"

January 2016 – Glamour (Hungary)
The beauty section focused to essential cosmetics and serums featuring our ageLOC® Tru Face Essence® Ultra.

ageLOC Me is recommended in the „What’s new?” section of the prestigeous magazine.

Natural Magazine editors sheds light on the future of skincare with an ageLOC Me featured article.

July 2016 – stylemagazin.cz
(Czech Republic)
An informative article highlighted the most important things good to know about ageLOC Me and Nu Skin.

July 2016 – frizuraszepseg.hu
So Summer Collections was introduced in a detailed article on the popular online magazine’s website and Facebook page. Readers were also invited to a game where the winners won Nu Skin products and exclusive branded items.

The world leading style magazine calls ageLOC Me „the future of anti-aging” in the beauty section. And also give a short overview of it in the Selection section.

ageLOC Me is shown two times in the same issue of the lifestyle and wellness magazine.

May 2016 – Slovenka
A nice ½ page advertisement of ageLOC Me is featured in the popular magazine.

Our revolutionary ageLOC Me is featured in the popular women’s magazine among the novelties of technology.

May 2016 - zelenejablko.sk
The online health and nutrition magazine shared an article describing our latest innovation: ageLOC Me, representing customized skin care

May 2016 – marieclaire.hu
The online site of the famous women’s magazine published a nice article on ageLOC Me with everything you need to know about this unique device.

April 2016 – Smink& Makeup blog
One of the most popular beauty blogs posted an informative and long article on our unique skin care system, ageLOC Me.

The high-end magazine published a beautiful 2-page long article on ethnobotany and our Epoch product range.

April 2016 – The Colorful Thoughts (Slovakia)
The young beauty blogger has tested three Nu Skin products and she absolutely loved Nu Color Advanced Liquid Finish, Nu Color Advanced Tinted Moisturiser and Nu Colour Curling Mascara in her review.

April 2016 - casprezeny.sk
The beloved online magazine shared a detailed article on ageLOC Me highlighting the trends and innovation.

March 2016 – Sky Lady
Tarom, the Romanian national airline welcomes its passengers on board with Sky Lady magazine featuring ageLOC Me on a full page in the Spring edition!

April 2016 – frizuraszepseg.hu (Hungary)
„We are used to the fact that Nu Skin always comes up with something very special” starts the article which enhances the continous innovation what ageLOC range brought to the market in the past few years and gives a detailed overview of ageLOC Me.

"Perfectly metered Anti-Aging Power": The renowened luxury magazine MADAME recommends ageLOC Tru Face Essence Ultra in their TOP PICKs.

March 2016 – frizuraszepseg.hu (Hungary)
The monthly section called “Beauty novelties” starts with the introduction of ageLOC® Me on the online beauty magazine.

March 2016 - egoodwill.sk (Slovakia)
The article contains launch information about our revolutionary anti-ageing system called ageLOC® Me. In addition you can view photographs from the ageLOC® Me Bratislava conference, where one of the attendees was Kata Pál, our VP for sales.

March 2016 – Instyle (Hungary)
The Hungarian edition of world-wide known magazine, InStyle features ageLOC® Me in the March issue. The short description highlights the fact that with the help of Nu Skin’s newest innovation the anti-ageing skin regimen is taken to a higher level by customisation.

February 2016 - Für Sie (Germany)
"In March Nu Skin launches a true luxury product - a sophisticated skin care device that dispenses the exact right measurement of active ingredients.” The article shows why NU Skin ageLOC me is a world wide game changer within anti age skin care - customised skin care!

February 2016 - Vogue (France)
ageLOC Me is a world wide game changer within anti-aging skin care, just spotted in March issue of French Vogue magazine!

February 2016 – Through My Glasses (Hungary)
The young beauty blogger tried our Nu Color Advanced Liquid Finish and finds it as a perfect choice to use every day.

February 2016 - Paris Match (France)
Nu Skin is one of the world’s leading anti-ageing experts. Now, introducing ageLOC Me as a new beauty game changer within skin care, just spotted in March issue of French Paris Match!

January 2016 – lifemagazin.hu (Hungary)
The popular lifestyle magazine published an article on our newly launched TR90 M-Shakes.

January 2016 – Rúzs és Más (Hungary)
The online magazine introduced TR90 M-Shakes featuring the product benefits as well.