Weight Management

Do you struggle with weight, body fat or fret over your body shape? Time to discover your best self with the right attitude, right lifestyle, right solution.




Right Attitude

Often the allures of fad diets and regimes claiming fast results are tempting, but fight the fad: these diets often act fast but can fade in a flash. Trends popularizing fast weight management are simply not the way to go.


Apart from fat – muscles, bones, organs and even water adds up to your total body weight. Healthy living is a lifestyle beyond the numbers on a weighing scale. So don't get fixated on your weight, and focus more on losing fat and supporting lean muscle.


With a fit body and mind, you shape and transform to a leaner, healthier and happier self.

GIF of a woman initially worried about her weight but adopted the right attitude

Right Lifestyle

Fight the fads and fat starting with your lifestyle

Photo of a happy woman eating a healthy balanced meal

Eat Healthy

It’s all about eating a healthy and balanced meal, most importantly in moderation.

GIF of woman doing various exercises

Exercise Regularly

Being active tones and shapes up your body. Get fit and stay fit!

Photo of woman sleeping well

Sleep Well

Turn in early! Eight hours of sleep a day gives your body sufficient rest to recharge.

Right Solution

Supplement your journey with innovative products – an extra helping hand as you work towards your desired goals.

Photo of ageLOC TR90 weight management system products

Manage your Weight, Shape your Body

Unify your mind and body for a fitter, leaner and healthier you.



Right Application

Your Visual Assistant!


Track your 90-day transformation with ease!

An easy-to-use tool that Tracks & Monitors your food intake, workouts, supplementation and TR90 progression as well as Connect with experts for personalised consultation. You can also Access curated content and perform in-app purchases. ​ ​



You have the power to change others too.
