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product education

2021 NU SKIN Product Education

  • Rooted in Learning - Nu Skin will introduce a variety of rich and exciting curriculums for "2021 Nu Skin Product Education", including numerous special. Through the curriculums, you will understand the distinctive advantages of our products, and learn more about health and nutrition knowledge, helping you to have more in-depth understanding about the product features and hence, improving your ability in product sharing. Let’s become more beautiful and better in shape from the inside-out!
  • Pay attention to the monthly product training on our Facebook Nu Skin HKMC Business Page, on how to sign up or ticket purchase. We will bring you a series of product courses through Zoom, Facebook Live and on-site training!


Summary of Full Product Training



Discovery of Nu Skin Personal Care Products

Detailed explanation on the product features, benefits and development concept of Nu Skin personal care products

Discovery of PHARMANEX® Products

Learn more about the product features, benefits and development concept of PHARMANEX® supplements

Discovery of 6S

In-depth understanding of Nu Skin's 6S quality measures and the scientific research technology used

Summary of Basic Product Training



Nu Master Class Series

We sincerely invite different guests to discuss beauty and health topics.

TR90 Get Set Go

Learn more on ageLOC® science and ageLOC® TR90® Program are, including the concepts of products, diet and exercises to help you stay in shape!

ageLOC® Device Home Spa

Many people would love to go to SPA when they want to relax. Have you ever thought that you can enjoy a luxurious SPA at home? Let’s learn how to help yourself and your friends do SPA.

Fall and Winter beauty and health guide

In this class, you will learn about the techniques for maintaining hydrated and soft skin in dry seasons, as well as maintaining a good health.

Summary of Advanced Product Training



Product FAQ Ambassador Training

Conduct in a simple and easy way to address the common queries when using Nu Skin and PHARMANEX® products, as well as explaining what “6S Quality Process” is, the class will give you a better understanding of the products so that you could use Nu Skin products correctly and be more satisfied.