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2025 HKMC Star Institute (“GCIP Tour”)

Qualification period: 

First Half Year: 1 Jan 2025 - 30 Jun 2025

Second Half Year: 1 Jul 2025 – 31 Dec 2025


Qualification target: 

Brand Affiliates or above of Nu Skin Hong Kong or Macau


Qualification requirements:

I.  First Group Participants: New Brand Representatives with a Brand Representative Promotion Date since August 2024, who did not qualify for the 2024 HKMC Nu Skin GCIP Tour:

1.       Within the first 12 months after promotion (the first month refers to the month of the Brand Representative Promotion Date), the new Brand Representative:-

i.  Achieves 10 Building Blocks (with 2,500 Direct Customer Sales Volume) for any 4 months during the Qualification Period, or

ii. Achieves 10 Building Blocks (with 2,500 Direct Customer Sales Volume) and has three G1 Brand Affiliates (each achieving 500 Direct Customer Sales Volume) for any 3 months during the Qualification Period.

2.       The Qualification Period which a qualified Brand Affiliate falls under will be determined by the month which the Brand Affiliate completes the Qualification Requirements (if qualified under sub-section i of the above Qualification Requirements, the completion month will be the fourth month; or if qualified under sub-section ii of the above Qualification Requirements, the completion month will be the third month). If it is determined that the Qualification Period is the “First Half Year”, then the qualifier is entitled attend the GCIP Tour to be held in second-half of 2025; if it is determined that the Qualification Period is the “Second Half Year”, then the qualifier is entitled to attend the GCIP Tour to be held in the first-half of 2026.  Transportation to-and-from the destination shall be arranged by the Brand Affiliates (each attendee can receive HKD 1,500 transportation allowance), while hotel accommodation and the tour (including local transportation) will be arranged and paid by Nu Skin.


II.  Second Group Participants: Brand Affiliates who develop at least one G1 new Brand Representative who meets the Qualification Requirement (I) above

1.     Brand Affiliates who also achieve at least 10 Building Blocks (with 2,500 Direct Customer Sales Volume) in any 3 months during the Qualification Period will be entitled to attend the GCIP Tour. The Qualification Period which a qualified Brand Affiliate falls under will be determined by the month which the Brand Affiliate completes the Qualification Requirement. If it is determined that the Qualification Period is the “First Half Year”, then the qualifier is entitled attend the GCIP Tour to be held in second-half of 2025; if it is determined that the Qualification Period is the “Second Half Year”, then the qualifier is entitled to attend the GCIP Tour to be held in the first-half of 2026. Transportation to-and-from the destination shall be arranged by the Brand Affiliates, while hotel accommodation and tour (including local transportation) will be arranged and paid by Nu Skin; or

2.     Brand Affiliates who cannot meet the Qualification Requirements in section II (1) above can also attend the GCIP Tour, but the they should bear all expenses and arrange the transportation to-and-from the destination by themselves.


Attendance Rules: 

On top of fulfilling the above Qualification Requirements, Brand Affiliates who are attending the GCIP Tour must (i) in the second month before departure, maintain the pin title of Brand Representative or above and achieve at least 4 Building Blocks; and (ii) from the month that he/she completes the Qualification Requirements till the departure month, maintain the pin title of Brand Representative or above.



I.     Transition plan: During August to December 2024, the month(s) that a First Group Participant achieved 10 Building Blocks and had 5 Personally Registered Customers who completed orders under the Automatic Re-Ordering Program (ARO) (only applicable to the first 12 months after promotion) could be counted into the Qualification Requirement in section I (1)(i) above.

II.    Two participants from each qualified Brand Affiliate Account will be entitled to attend the GCIP Tour.

III.   The date and schedule of the GCIP Tour are to be announced by Nu Skin. Qualified Brand Affiliates will be arranged to participate in the most recent GCIP Tour that take place after their qualification. Those who do not participate will be deemed to have waived their qualifications automatically, and their eligibility will not be extended.

IV.(i) Your Direct Customers are your first-level Retail Customers and Members. A Brand Affiliate is not considered a Direct Customer.

(ii) Direct Customer Sales Volume refers to the sum of all Product points from purchases made by your Direct Customers. Another way to think about this is the Sales Volume from purchases of your first-level Retail Customers and Members that purchase Products through Nu Skin Systems. Direct Customer Sales Volume for Retail Customer purchases is attributed only to the Brand Affiliate responsible for the Product sale. Direct Customer Sales Volume for Member purchases is attributed only to the sponsoring Brand Affiliate.

V.     Nu Skin Enterprises Hong Kong, LLC ("Nu Skin") reserves the right to recoup the reward received by the Brand Affiliate or an amount equivalent to the reward if any of the following occurs:

i.  If the qualified Brand Affiliate no longer satisfies the requirements for this Program following a product return after deducting the sales volumes of the returned products; or

ii. If the qualified Brand Affiliate engages in inventory loading through manipulating accounts, or violates Nu Skin’s Policies and Procedures or any applicable laws and regulations.

VI.   Nu Skin has the right to make changes to or terminate this Program at any time and reserves the right to make final interpretation and decision in respect of the Program.

VII.  In the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese version of the terms and conditions of this Program and its English translation, the Chinese version shall prevail.


In Hong Kong & Macau, approximately 0.57% of average Active Brand Affiliates during 2023 qualified for an incentive trip.