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ageLOC LumiSpa iO

  • For optimal battery life, we recommend charging your device whenever the battery is low. We also recommend avoiding leaving the device unused for months at a time.
  • It is recommended to unplug the ageLOC LumiSpa iO device when the battery is fully charged, and the lights turn green. The battery will last for 1 week under normal usage conditions.
  • Only use your LumiSpa iO device with our ageLOC LumiSpa Activating Cleansers to experience the clinically proven skin benefits.
  • Do not use the LumiSpa Silicone Heads and the LumiSpa Accent Head with the LumiSpa iO device. Only the LumiSpa iO Silicone Heads and the LumiSpa iO Accent Head are compatible with the LumiSpa iO device.
  • Replace the iO Silicone Head every 3 months. The app also can send you a replacement reminder when it is time to change the Head (not the Accent Tip).



  • How to reset the device?

    ageLOC LumiSpa iO device can be paired with one mobile

    device and Nu Skin account at a time, so you may

    occasionally need to reset your device.


    Bluetooth Reset: A soft reset allows LumiSpa iO to pair to

    a new device while maintaining your device settings. To

    perform a soft reset, connect your LumiSpa iO to power

    and press and hold the power button for 5 seconds.

    Release the power button when all the front lights flash

    blue twice. Please note, LumiSpa iO must be paired with

    the same Nu Skin account after a soft reset.


    Factory Reset: To remove your device settings and to

    allow your LumiSpa iO to pair with a different Nu Skin

    account, perform a hard reset by connecting LumiSpa iO

    to power and holding the power button for 10 seconds.

    Release the power button when all the front lights flash

    orange four times.


    Last step is to uninstall the Vera app and reinstall it afterwards. 

  • How to start a routine?

    To start a Default Routine, quick press the power button​. Front LEDs will light up and the routine will start​. Gently glide the device back and forth in slow broad strokes​. To pause/resume routine, quick press the power button. Front LEDs will blink while the device is paused​. Press again to resume. To turn off, hold down the power button​. Front LEDs will turn off​.




Can't find what you are looking for?



Device Replacement Request Form


If you couldn't find the answer to your issue above, went through all troubleshooting steps and even tried the "factory reset" as recommended in the video, feel free to submit a Replacement Request. Make sure you have your order number as well as the damaged device close by to check the serial number and batch-code.


Click here to fill in the form.


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