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ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa System








Frequently Asked Questions


1. What are the benefits of the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa? 

The ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa provides galvanic benefits to the body. It is ergonomically designed with a larger conductive area, which better targets the larger surface areas of the arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs and better suits the contours of the body. The instrument also features Nu Skin’s patent-pending, grooved surface (able to capture 10 times more key ingredients between the conductive surface and skin than the ageLOC Edition Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System II body conductor during each galvanic treatment). The ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa also features a patent-pending galvanic pulsating technology that maximises anti-ageing effects on the arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. It also helps stimulate, purify and refresh your skin to reduce the visible signs of ageing.



2. What areas of the body can I use ageLOC Galvanic Body Trio on?


Nu Skin developed ageLOC Galvanic Body Trio for use on the arms, lower stomach, buttocks and thighs.


3. Should I feel anything when I use the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa?


As with the ageLOC Edition Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System II, we would not anticipate that individuals will feel anything during treatments with their ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa when used as directed. Some more sensitive individuals may feel a slight warming sensation, but no uncomfortable sensations should be experienced.


4. When should I clean the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa and how? 


In order to increase the longevity of your ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa, we recommend that you clean it after each treatment. Simply use a damp cloth to remove any excess product from the instrument. Do not use harsh chemicals or solvents as they may damage the product. Dry thoroughly.


5. Why do I need a different instrument for body galvanic treatments? 


The ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa was designed for use in combination with ageLOC Body Shaping Gel on body areas— not on the face. This instrument was designed to target a larger surface area with a patent-pending ageLOC conductive surface that captures 10 times more key ingredients between the conductive surface and the skin (when compared to the ageLOC Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System II body conductor attachment). Secondly, this design is more ergonomic for easier use and handling during body treatments. Thirdly, the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa and ageLOC Body Shaping Gel target end benefits/results (i.e., appearance of cellulite, slimming, toning, etc.) that are different from those targeted on the face. Lastly, the skin on the body is thicker and less sensitive making, it more apt to benefit from and respond to a pulsating current.


6. Why does the instrument beep every 10 seconds? 


The ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa II instrument is designed to be silent when in use. The beeps every 10 seconds have been added to let the user know the treatment is inprogress.


7. What should I do if I think my ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa is not working properly?


Here are some troubleshooting tips if you think your ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa is not working properly:


  1. Are fresh batteries sitting in the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa unit properly?
  2. Is all plastic film removed from the chrome on the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa?
    The galvanic instruments are shipped with a protective plastic coating that must be peeled from the chrome
    section and LCD screen. It must be removed for the unit to work properly.

  3. Has the on/off button below the LCD panel been pressed?
    Press the on/off button once to turn on the instrument. After pressing the soft button, the ageLOC rings appear in the middle of the display and the treatment time of 5 minutes and clock appears below the ageLOC rings.Thoroughly moisten your fingers and palm with water or NaPCA Moisture Mist. In order for a treatment to begin, gently touch the conductor’s surface against the treatment area for the current level to self-adjust.The instrument will beep one, two or three times, indicating that it has self-adjusted to your skin.



8. Is the ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa instrument being held correctly?


Galvanic is a current, so it is necessary to hold the chrome activators with slightly damp hands while pressing the instrument to the skin. This completes the circuit and allows the current to flow.Any lifting in either place will break the current and interrupt the treatment. In this case, the backlight will flash on and off and the instrument will stop beeping until the circuit is re-established.





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