Targeting the Signs of Aging
January 27, 2014

In order to use the right skin care products and target the right areas of the face, it is helpful to know how wrinkles and other signs of aging progress. While the onset and progression of aging differs between individuals, some similarities within different ethnicities have been identified.
Caucasian women typically begin to see the first signs of aging in the outer corners of their eyes (i.e. crow’s feet) in their late 20s. In the following decade, crow’s feet become more wide spread for Caucasian women and wrinkles form between the eyes (glabella). As wrinkles continue to form in these areas with greater predominance through the 40s and 50s, lines around the mouth also begin to show. While almost all Caucasian women exhibit wrinkles by age 40, this is when they are just becoming more noticeable for Asian women. By the beginning of the sixth decade, crow’s feet and wrinkles between the eyes are similar for both Asians and Caucasians, but Asians still are less likely to have wrinkles around the mouth.
While not as susceptible to wrinkling, Asian skin aging is generally manifested by areas of pigmentation. The onset of spots seems to come in fourth decade and increases significantly with age. Interestingly, the prevalence of skin spots in Caucasian women remained relatively constant throughout all age groups within the research reviewed.
Hispanic, African and East Asian skin types are not as susceptible to wrinkling as Caucasian but more so than Asian. Additionally, environmental factors such as smoking and sun exposure can quicken the onset of aging appearance.
Based on this understanding, it seems as though prior to age 20 skin care should focus primarily on skin health. The Nutracentials are great regimens with this focus. This is often a time when acne becomes problematic so controlling breakouts and/or oiliness should be of primary concern. Nu Skin’s Clear Action was developed for those suffering from acne related skin issues.
In the early 20s if acne is still a concern, this should continue to be the focus of skin care. As the decade progresses, beginning to target the early onset of aging signs, like fine lines and wrinkles in the eye area, should be considered. Lines and wrinkle formation progresses with age making this an on-going target and expands to other areas of the face. Tru Face Line Corrector can be added to any regimen, but Nu Skin 180 and ageLOC Transformation provide broad anti-aging benefits including reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Pigmentary changes come later and would be less of a concern until late into the third to early fourth decade. TriPhasic White and ageLOC Transformation both help combat discoloration or hyperpigmentation. As always though, using a sunscreen and making healthy lifestyle changes is important for all ages.

K.C. Holley
Technical Communication & Education Manager
Personal Care
Nouveau-Richard, S., Yang, Z., Mac-Mary, S., Li, L., Bastien, P., Tardy I., Bouillon, C., Humbert, P., de Lacharriere, O. Skin Aging: A Comparison Between Chinese and European Populations A Pilot Study.
Journal of Dermatological Science (2005) 40, 187-193.
Knaggs, H. (2008) Skin Aging in Asian Population in Dayan, N. Skin Aging Handbook: An Integrated Approach to Biochemistry and Product Development (p 177-202). Norwich, NY: William Andrew, Inc.
Note: the bulk of this article is relative to the work done by Nouveau-Richard et al.
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