ageLOC Me: A Device Primed for Today’s Beauty Needs
July 27, 2015
In today’s marketplace, personal care devices come in many shapes and sizes, from devices that are used on your face, to those that are used on your body; there are even hair care devices. Personal care devices offer a wide range of benefits; it’s no wonder that people have been looking toward beauty devices for over a century.
Possibly one of the earliest documented beauty devices was the Chin Reducer and Beautifier, created by Prof Mack in 1890. This device uses pull cords to lift the chin and massage the chin and neck. It claimed to “dispel flabbiness of the neck and throat.”1
In the Comfort of Your Own Home
Technology has advanced greatly since the 1890s, and consumers are now looking for professional results at home.2 More people want beauty treatments that they can do in the comfort of their own home while still getting the results they expect from a spa or esthetician. Treatment technologies include micro-current, laser, or light, but have only recently gained in popularity due to convenience and enhanced customer experience.
When thinking of beauty devices, most people tend to think of benefits like deep cleansing, exfoliating, facial toning, and hair removal.2 There is also some interest in devices that help with acne concerns. The interest in owning a beauty device is on the rise with seventy percent of women in the U.S. wanting to own a new beauty device3. Beauty devices also offer greater efficiency and customization in your at-home beauty routine. In a world with smart phones and smart cars, it is only natural to have a “smart” beauty device.
The Evolution of Nu Skin Technology
Personal in-home devices are not a new concept for Nu Skin and have been included in our line of products for over a decade. In 2001, Nu Skin launched the original Galvanic Spa system enhancing the delivery of anti-aging ingredients. Nu Skin also launched the BioPhotonic Scanner S1 in 2003, helping to measure carotenoids in a quick, simple, and noninvasive way. Since then, we’ve been working hard to improve the convenience, usability, and effectiveness of our devices.
ageLOC Me: Customization for You, by You
ageLOC Me is Nu Skin’s latest skin care innovation . It is a first-of-its-kind, customized skin care system featuring five powerful, cutting-edge products and one smart delivery device. ageLOC Me is an anti-aging skin care system customized for you, by you.
There is much opportunity for growth in the personal care device market. As this market continues to grow, there will be more opportunities for consumer and sellers alike, as currently 50% of sales of these devices are driven by network marketing channels.3 This will be an exciting area to keep an eye on within the industry. Keep checking back with us for more information on ageLOC Me. ■

Written by:
K.C. Holley
Technical Communication & Education Manager
Personal Care
2. “Beauty Devices” US, Mintel, March 2015
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