Impacting Children’s Lives
October 03, 2018

At The Beginning
Since its founding, Nu Skin’s mission has been to be a force for good in the world. This empowered the company in 1984 and continues to drive the company today. Whether it’s enabling individuals with rewarding business opportunities, enriching lives through innovative products or providing meaningful service opportunities, the force for good mission is central to what Nu Skin is all about.
Nu Skin started its force for good campaign in 1996 and, two years later, formalized its giving with the creation of the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation with the intent to further improve the lives of children around the world by offering hope for a life free from disease, illiteracy and poverty. Through the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation, we are making considerable strides in improving the lives of struggling children in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.
Force For Good Efforts
Congenital Heart Disease
Our efforts around the world focus on improving children’s health, education and economic opportunity. For example, in China and Southeast Asia, corrective heart surgeries for children who are born with congenital heart disease are performed through the Southeast Asia and Greater China Children’s Heart Funds. Children born with this condition require surgeries many parents cannot afford, leaving them unable to help their kids. Through the two Funds, nearly 17,000 children have had lifesaving surgeries.

Nu Hope Libraries
In Japan and Korea our efforts focus on education, building libraries for children in low-income communities and training children in leadership skills. In Korea, a total of 20 libraries have been built to provide children access to technology-based learning tools and books to continue their education outside of the classroom. This action has supported nearly 6,400 children and their education. Nu Skin Japan also supports the Smile Library Project to help children further their education along with Second Harvest Japan food bank.

In Latin America we seek to help children with their education by providing glasses to students who are visually impaired. Through our partnership with CharityVision, we have distributed over 1,300 pairs of glasses to children in Colombia and plan to expand the program in Argentina and California.

Malawi Programs
The Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation also supports programs in Malawi, including the School of Agriculture for Family Independence (SAFI), SAFI Extension, Educate the Children, and drilling water wells. These programs provide agricultural training to families all over the country, give scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students, and provide water in villages so families can apply the farming principles they have learned. By educating families on farming techniques and nutritional practices and providing scholarships to students, children are empowered to gain the education and health they need to create a bright future.

Additional Projects
Other Force for Good projects include donating research funds to the Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation to find a cure for this debilitating skin disease. As well as, protecting fragile island environments for indigenous people through Seacology.
Making A Difference
Thanks to the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation, more than nearly 17,000 children throughout Asia have had lifesaving corrective heart surgeries, more than 20,000 vision screenings have been conducted for children in Colombia and more than 860 scholarships have been granted to children in Malawi who cannot afford school fees.
"Being a force for good in the world is the heart of our mission and is embedded into the DNA of our global family of employees and sales representatives,” said Ritch Wood, chief executive officer of Nu Skin. "I can’t help but smile as I see the good we are doing around the world. We will continue to double down on our efforts to make a difference particularly in the lives of children as we put smiles on the faces of those who need us most."
The Foundation is supported by funds from sales leaders, customers and employee donations, a fundraising gala and a percentage of certain product sales. In addition, 100 percent of every donation goes toward The Foundation projects, with Nu Skin covering all administrative and overhead costs. To earn more about the lives being impacted and to make a donation to the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation, visit : With your help, we can continue to make a difference.
At Nu Skin, our mission is to be a Force for Good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives with rewarding business opportunities, innovative products, and an enriching and uplifting culture. Nu Skin is an award-winning, premier, anti-aging company with a lasting product philosophy to produce “all of the good, none of the bad.”
In the Chinese culture Nu Skin has the name of Ru Xin. Ru Xin is also the name of a little girl in China. It seems destined that her fate would be tied with Nu Skin. Ru Xin was diagnosed with neonate pneumonia right after birth. After a long-lasting futile treatment, she was transferred to the Municipal Hospital where she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Unfortunately, the Municipal Ho...