Your option:
The same great G3 you have come to love will now be packaged in a green glass bottle! Everything else about the packaging remains the same, including its size and quality…but it will now be delivered in a glass bottle that is green colored like the Pharmanex logo. This change is a result of bottle supply challenges that have made the traditional clear glass bottle temporarily unavailable. We are planning to return to the standard bottle as soon as the opportunity permits.
Due to the dark green color of the glass, the lot number and expiration date will be printed on the bottom of the bottle in orange ink instead of black ink for better visibility against the darker bottle.
* 請注意, 2瓶裝或4瓶裝的運費計算是: $3.00 +正規運費和手續費
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g3 含有的獨特植物營養素組合成分是來自精心挑選的"超級水果",世界各地的人們傳統上因其所具有的恢復特性而廣泛使用,其好處已經得到科學研究的驗證。 中國枸杞、西伯利亞菠蘿和刺梨果實與 Gac 共同作用,透過在身體內強有力的血管和細胞保護和回春作用,提供加倍的效益。 _The same great G3 you have come to love will now be packaged in a green glass bottle! Everything else about the packaging remains the same, including its size and quality…but it will now be delivered in a glass bottle that is green colored like the Pharmanex logo. This change is a result of bottle supply challenges that have made the traditional clear glass bottle temporarily unavailable. We are planning to return to the standard bottle as soon as the opportunity permits.__ Due to the dark green color of the glass, the lot number and expiration date will be printed on the bottom of the bottle in orange ink instead of black ink for better visibility against the darker bottle._ \* 請注意, 2瓶裝或4瓶裝的運費計算是: $3.00 +正規運費和手續費